SERVICOM is an acronym for Service Compact with All Nigerians. It was established in 2004 as the outcome of a Three-day Special Presidential Retreat on Service Delivery with the President, Ministers, Special Advisers, Presidential Aides and Chief Executives of major Extra-ministerial Departments and Parastatals.
It is an initiative of the Federal Government of Nigeria conceived to promote effective and efficient service delivery in MDAs to ensure customer satisfaction and to manage the performance-expectation gap between Government and citizens as well as other members of the public, on issues of service delivery.
SERVICOM equally gives the public the right to demand good services as contained in MDAs’ Service Charter, One of its goals is to ensure that service takers understand their rights to public services, the service standards they should expect and how to demand for that service or speak up where it is deficient or lacking.
i. Co-ordinate the formation and operation of SERVICOM charter and service improvement plans in the Board
ii. Monitor and report progress of the Board under SERVICOM obligations through compliance Evaluations using the SERVICOM index to carryout surveys or services and customers satisfaction, publicize charters and sensitize the citizenry to demand quality service as a right at all times.
iii. Coordination and monitoring the Board’s performance.
iv. Conducting Regular Evaluation and Ratings of Service Delivery level to measure excellence. (In collaboration with SERVICOM National headquarter Abuja)
v. Conducting spot checks on security men/Receptionist and how polite/courteous they are.
vi. To facilitate a safe and conducive working environment for staff at all levels of service delivery.
vii. To institute complaints procedure including Grievance Redress mechanism at the Board.
viii. To ensure the promotion of quality assurance and best practices in the performance of our functions.
ix. To facilitate a comprehensive and effective training policy for frontline staff on customer relations and related matters.
x. To manage links with strategic partners and other stakeholders on service delivery, market research and customer care/relations etc.
xi. Inauguration of SERVICOM Unit of TVET Institution in Nigeria.
xii. To monitor the conduct of yearly promotional examination of the Board.